
Celebrating your life and accomplishments shouldn’t take a special day or week, but this week is extra special as we honor Wellderly Awareness Week. Keeping in mind the four techniques: financial, mental, physical and emotional wellness will help […]


When you hear that someone is addicted to drugs or alcohol, what image do you have in your mind? Is it of a person who is younger or middle-aged? You may be surprised to learn how common drug […]


Secure Aging focuses on financial and care management for seniors. However, the scope of what we do day-to-day is quite broad and goes beyond just money management. Here’s a “top 6” list to give you a better idea […]


Happy holidays! Get in the holiday spirit with these fun holiday happenings in the local area. Call Secure Aging to Find Out How We Can Help Seniors With Financial Management At Secure Aging, we transform the weight of […]


If you’re looking for a new way to see the Tampa or Sarasota area, then look no further then some of the unique hotels in our area. From arts to food and lots more, we’re fortunate to have […]


One common problem with Alzheimer’s disease is diagnosing it. By the time many who have it are diagnosed, it’s too late to help.  However, in the future, a certain type of eye exam may be able to detect […]


If you’re a caregiver for someone who is chronically ill from Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and other related health problems, then you know all too well how hard it can be to keep tabs on that person’s daily […]


Do you know how to tell if the senior you care for is depressed?  Although depression is a risk at any age, seniors in particular are more vulnerable. Major depression is found in about 13% of seniors who […]


You probably know how important it is to get regular physicals and dental checkups to make sure your body is in tip-top shape, but how about your brain? Is your brain as strong as it could be? Our […]


As health treatments advance, more and more people are living longer, even with chronic conditions that at one point may have led to an early demise. So, with all that life has to offer, why not live your […]